Color for Blind

      Have you stumbled upon on this question "how can you describe any color  to a blind person?"

      You might think that it is impossible to do because blindness may lead to color ignorance. We gain knowledge by 80% from what we see and 20% from other factor. But how about the blind? How do they gain knowledge about the color that they can't see?

     If poorness poverty is not a hindrance to become brilliant then so as blindness.
There are still ways on how to describe a different color. One easy way is to pair a color to a certain emotion, for example: if your going to describe the color of red you will pair it to an emotion that expose anger or hatred. Why? because the intensity of color red is like the intensity of anger.
    You can also use his/her skin to feel how a color can be describe.
example for this is, you can use a water to describe the color of blue by pouring it to his/her skin and describing that the color of blue like water is cold yet calm.

Just use the intensity of one thing to describe a color in a blind person.

NOW that you have an idea how to describe a color,
can you please describe to me the color of VIOLET?


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