Hook and Loop Fastener

    This term is not common as how popular it's uses. We are benefiting from this thing without knowing its name.But now I'll tell you, this thing is called "HOOK AND LOOP FASTENER". I heard that you accidentally say "AHA" right now after knowing that fact. But knowing its name is not enough. We need to know who is the inventor of this useful machine. Yes! its a machine, because machine is anything that help our life easier.

   In early years around 1945, there is an electrical engineer named George de Mestral who invented a dual tape that depends on each other. The first tape features tiny hooks and the opposite consists of tiny loops. The idea in making this tapes came from a plant that is also common to us, the name of this plant is BURR.

He started thinking about it when he sees that there is a small fruit hangs on his dog's fur. He is confused on how do this tiny fruit can easily attached. He then look closely to it and he notice that it's covered with little hooks. That is the time when he make use of that idea.

    Those tapes are now commonly use in our bags, shoes, umbrellas and many more that requires a tape to fasten both side that is need to enclose. Actually, Burr represents one side of tape with little hooks and the other side with tiny loops represent the fur or his dog. Very nice invention inspired by a small plant and a fur of mans bestfriend, isn't it?.

  With his confuseness, we are now benefiting from his invention uncommonly called hook and loop fastener. We must thank him!


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